You MUST create a player with the letters "FNG_" infront of either your real name, or nick name. Example
There are 3 rounds of 18 holes to play in order to qualify for the season. We will take your score
from each round and formulate your handicap from those scores. At the end of each tournament we will modify your handicap's
according to your final scores. This will ensure that we keep you in a level playing field. If for some reason
we suspect you to be "Sand bagging" your scores to get an edge over the other members, we will place you under investigation
until we can determine if there is any foul play. THIS IS A FUN TOUR! We are not here to become the next tiger
woods, and make millions.
This is VERY IMPORTANT! Once you create your FNG_player you cannot use him/her for anything other
than your qualifying rounds, and regular season play! You cannot practice with this player, or use this player for ANYTHING
Now once you have started Links 2003, make sure that the new round has the mulligans, and gimmies turned
off. This is the only way you can verify your rounds.
Okay, now you’ve played your round and are ready to save your verified and recorded files. Your scorecard
should pop up at the end of your round. Below the scorecard is a button labeled "Verify Score". Before you do anything else,
click on that button!!
Where it says "File Name" type in an identifying title for your verfied file. Make sure you used your ID number
as the first part of the name. Example: Round 2 of my Qualifying round. If this were week 2
you could name it ID_Week2 or something similar. Now you can save this file where ever you want. Just make sure you
note where it is going. My suggestion would be to save it in the "Players" folder because you’re going to need it there
in order to zip the files together for uploading to FNG Offline Tour. Once you are sure you have the name correct and the
location to which you want to save the file, click on the "Save" button. You should now be
in the "Save a Recorded Player" screen. If not, click on "okay" until you reach this screen. This is similar to saving your verified file. You need to label it properly using your FNG ID number and a descriptive
title for the file. In this example I am saving my recorded round for the second round of my Qualifying round. You can give
this the same name as your verified file because they will have different extensions on the end. You have no choice as to
where this file goes. Links 2003 automatically puts it in the Recorded Players folder. When you are certain you have properly
named your file, click on the "Save" button.
This should conclude your game session, and your files should be properly saved awaiting inclusion into the
zip file you will send to FNG.